Including Etched Glass, Plastic, Mosaic and Ceramic Sundials
By John L. Carmichael (author) and Dave Bell (webmaster)
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This page was last updated 1 September, 2009
Commisioning a Sundial
If you want to commission a custom-made stained glass, ceramic or mosaic sundial, you will need to find both a professional artisan and a professional sundial designer. The three of you will then need to work together to complete the project. The Artisans and Sundial links below will help you find these people. Or you can find them in the Image Archive along with photos of the sundials they have made. There are a few sundial designers who are also artisans who make sundials. Most artisans and sundial designers show photographs of their work in their websites enabling you to select a person whose artistic style pleases you. They should be able to provide you with a price estimate for design and assembly of the commissioned project. Most artisans charge fixed rates based on area (square feet, inches or centimeters). But their rates may vary depending on the complexity of the piece.
Artisan Links
Stained Glass Association of America
The Glass Art Society
The International Guild of Glass Art Society
Stained Glass Info
Artists in Stained Glass
The Stained Glass Network Discussion Forum
Stained Glass Preservation Briefs
National Terrazzo & Mosaic Association
British Association for Modern Mosaic
The Society of American Mosaic Artists
The American Ceramic Society
The European Ceramic Society
Sundial Links
Sundial Organizations
Sundials on the Internet
North American Sundial Society Artisans links
Sundials on the Internet - Makers links
Subscribe to the Sundial Email List
John L. Carmichael
Sundial Sculptures
925 E. Foothills Dr.
Tucson AZ 85718-4716
Tel: 520-6961709
Email: John Carmichael (author)
Email : Dave Bell (webmaster)
My Websites:
(business) Sundial Sculptures:
(educational) Chinook Trail Sundial:
(educational) Earth & Sky Equatorial Sundial:
(educational) My Painted Wall Sundial:
(educational) Painted Wall Sundials:
(educational) Stained Glass Sundials:
(educational) Sundial Cupolas, Towers & Chimneys:
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