Sundial Cupolas, Towers and Chimneys
By John Carmichael (editor) and Dave Bell (webmaster)
This page last updated Jan 30, 2010
Home, Image Archive, Design & Construction, Information & References, Commissioning a Sundial
Image Archive

America's First Sundial Cupola
by John Carmichael 2005
Tucson Arizona, USA
Photograph Copyrights and Sundial Information
I have been collecting these photos over the years and have lost track of where some of them came from. We are making every effort to update the information about these sundials and to give credit to the makers, photographers and copyright holders, but it is a difficult task and will take time and your help. Please be patient. Since some of them were copied from the internet, we may have inadvertently posted copyrighted photos without permission from the owners. If you own any of these photos and would like for us to remove them, please let us know and we will do so immediately. But we hope that you will let us use your photographs for the sake of education and the other non profit purposes of this website.
Criteria for Posting Sundials
We are being very particular and selective about which sundials we include. They must meet these criteria: They must function as true sundials and not be severely deteriorated or damaged. The photos themselves should be of high quality and must have good composition, lighting, and perspective. And they should show the sundial lit by the sun if possible. The size and resolution of the photos should be good and high. I have resized all the Archive images to a height of 900 pixels and a resolution of 150 dpi, so we’d like to receive original photos that are at least this good.
Photograph & Information Updates
You can help us update the photos and information about these sundials. Some of these photos are of poor quality or low resolution, so if you have any better photos please send email attachments to John Carmichael. And please send us any good high quality photos that are not yet in our collection. We are gathering and posting information and references on the sundials’ Makers (Delineators and Painters), Location, Date, Photo Origin, Photo Permission, Websites and Email addresses.
Flash Slide Show of 76 Sundial Cupolas, Towers & Chimneys Photos: Here
I think this slide show is the most enjoyable way to view the photos in the Image Archive. Be patient since it takes a few moments to load and begin. The slides are arranged in numerical order by file name and each one displays automatically for 5 seconds, so the entire show takes about 20 minutes to play. You can pause, reverse or forward the slides manually if needed, using your mouse. The show looks best if you set your browser’s “View” to full screen, and looks even better when played on a new large wide screen HDTV monitor.
76 Sundial Cupolas, Towers & Chimneys Sundial Photos Arranged by Country:
For optimal viewing, set your browser's "View" to Full Screen. Click on any
of the images for a larger view. Your browser will automatically downsize
the large picture to fit your computer monitor screen. We resized all
photos to the standard high definition television height of 1080 pixels or
higher so that they will completely fill the height of a 1080 HDTV screen
because we think many people will soon connect their computers to new
widescreen HDTVs, and some people will want this large picture size. Note:
You will find many additional good photos of some of the sundials on the
Information and References page. Unless otherwise noted, please ask
permission from the photographers if you want to use their photos.
Links to the Sundials by Country:
Austria (5 dials)
Australia (2 dials)
Belgium (5 dials)
Canada (1 dial)
Czech Republic (1 dial)
Denmark (1 dial)
England (12 dials)
France (5 dials)
Germany (9 dials)
Holland (4 dials)
Italy (8 dials)
Mexico (2 dials)
Poland (1 dial)
Russia (1 dial)
Scotland (2 dials)
Slovakia (1 dial)
South Africa (1 dial)
Spain (3 dials)
Switzerland (1 dial)
United Arab Emirates (1 dial)
United States of America (9 dials)
Unknown Country of Origin (1 dial)
Austria (5 dials)
Australia (2 dials)
Belgium (5 dials)
Canada (1 dial)
Czech Republic (1 dial)
Denmark (1 dial)
England (12 dials)
France (5 dials)
Germany (9 dials)
Holland (4 dials)
Italy (8 dials)
Mexico (2 dials)
Poland (1 dial)
Russia (1 dial)
Scotland (2 dials)
Slovakia (1 dial)
South Africa (1 dial)
Spain (3 dials)
Switzerland (1 dial)
United Arab Emirates (1 dial)
United States of America (9 dials)
Unknown Country of Origin (1 dial)
John L. Carmichael
Sundial Sculptures
925 E. Foothills Dr.
Tucson AZ 85718-4716
Tel: 520-6961709
Email: John Carmichael (author)
Email : Dave Bell (webmaster)
My Websites:
(business) Sundial Sculptures:
(educational) Earth & Sky Equatorial Sundial:
(educational) My Painted Wall Sundial:
(educational) Painted Wall Sundials:
(educational) Stained Glass Sundials:
(educational) Sundial Cupolas, Towers & Chimneys:
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visits, since 13 November 2006